About Us

After concluding his law degree, founding director, Stiaan Krause, quickly earned a stellar reputation, and built an extensive practice in a short space of time. Sharing in his ambition for success and diligent work-ethic, Arno van Niekerk joined Stiaan and Krause Attorneys Inc was established.

Rudi Krause, an attorney with 24 years’ experience and a staggering reputation serves in an advisory role in the firm.

The team strives to provide its clients with the best possible legal advice and strategies and will not hesitate to litigate, if and when necessary, with assertiveness, confidence and passion.

Our expertise, acquired through dedication, hard work and passion will result in your success

Our Team

Stiaan Krause

Stiaan Krause, the Director of Krause Attorneys Inc., is a born litigator and third generation lawyer. Both his grandfathers held senior positions in the legal fraternity with his one grandfather being the Senior Magistrate of Johannesburg and his other a Senior Public Prosecutor in Johannesburg.

Over and above this, Stiaan has been mentored by the formidable Rudi Krause, his entire life. Even during his articles he was exposed to intricate and high-profile litigious matters. Although seemingly young in age, Stiaan has accumulated vast experience and knowledge in complicated legal matters. Stiaan has a keen interest in criminal litigation, including SIU investigations, Asset-Forfeiture Applications and matters relating to the State-Capture Commission. He frequently acts as correspondent in the Constitutional Court for attorneys across the Republic.

Stiaan has also built up a respectable reputation for successful urgent applications and for his commercial litigation practice, including Anton Piller applications.

Arno van Niekerk

Arno van Niekerk completed his BA LLB at the University of Pretoria and is an admitted attorney of the High Court. From the inception of his legal career, Arno has been driven by his passion for criminal- and related litigation. Even during his articles, he successfully argued numerous opposed bail applications and criminal trials alike.

Despite his penchant for conducting trials, Arno believes the most successful matters are those that are resolved prior to reaching the trial stage. Albeit through representations to the State or facilitating settlement negotiations, Arno’s expertise often results in the withdrawal of charges against his clients.

Arno frequently provides legal advice to both individuals and companies, relating to criminal- and commercial matters, and employs tailor-made solutions whilst seeking to achieve the best result as expeditiously as possible.

Rudi Krause

Rudi is an experienced litigator with seven years’ experience as a prosecutor and 24 years’ experience as an attorney.

As an attorney Rudi has the right of appearance in the High Court and is expertly versed in conducting High Court trials, arguing appeals and motion proceedings. Rudi specialises in criminal law and has a keen interest in organised crime related matters and asset forfeiture applications. Rudi has appeared in the Supreme Court of Appeal himself on ten occasions and many of these matters are well-reported.

Rudi has been involved in a number of high-profile criminal prosecutions and his meticulous preparation, attention to detail, vast knowledge of the law and procedure and his dedication to his client’s case has been complimented frequently.

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